2022-2023 Season
Paths to Freedom: Sanctuary Road
Thursday, August 18, 2022, 8:15pm
Chautauqua Symphony Orchestra
Johannes Brahms - Schicksalied, Op. 54
Paul Moravec - Sanctuary Road
Laquita Mitchell, soprano
Melody Wilson, mezzo-soprano
Joshua Stewart, tenor
Malcolm Merriweather, baritone
Dashon Burton, bass-baritone
Holiday Top of the Pops
Mozart Masterpieces
Buffalo United for Black History
This Is Our Story: An Afternoon of Hope and Healing
March 19, 2023 3pm
Holy Trinity Lutheran Church
Buffalo Chamber Players
Johann Sebastian Bach - Magnificat
I. Magnificat
II. Et exultavit spiritus meus
III. Quia respexit humilitatem
IV. Omnes generationes
V. Quia fecit mihi magna
VI. Et misericordia
VII. Fecit potentiam
VIII. Deposuit potentes
IX. Esurientes implevit bonis
X. Suscepit Israel
XI. Sicut locutus est
XII. Gloria Patri
Amie Adams, soprano
Aurora Boneberg, soprano
Erin Alexander, mezzo soprano
West Richter Jr., tenor
Ky VerHoef, bass
Robert Cohen - Alzheimer’s Stories
I. The Numbers
II. The Stories
III. For the Caregivers
Dominie Boutin, mezzo soprano
S Joshua Sheppard, bass
Patriotic Pops
May 26 and 27, 2023
Kleinhans Music Hall
BPO Pops, John Morris Russell, conductor
Stephenson - Fanfare for Democracy
Lavallee, arr. Fenwick - O Canada
Smith, arr. Skrowaczewski - The Star-Spangled Banner
Sousa - Washington Post March
Cohan, arr. Cacavas - Star Spangled Spectacular
Cohan, arr. Rob Mounsey - Over There
Peter Boyer - Rolling River
Howe & Steffe, arr. Wilhousky - Battle Hymn of the Republic
John Williams - Call of the Champions
Europe, arr. Tim Berens - Hey There! (Hi There!)
Europe, arr. Lowden - Armed Forces Salute
John Williams - Hymn to the Fallen from Saving Private Ryan
Verdi’s Requiem
June 10 and 11, 2023